PO Box 1408 Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 | (419) 405-3222 | admin@activechristianstoday.org
we want to hear from you
Thanks for wanting to get in touch with us! You can always give us a call at the office if you need us right away. There is a convenient messaging form to the right that will send your message to us directly. You may also reach out to one of our individual ministry staff below. Thank you!
OFFICE: (419) 405-3222

Michelle Williams
Administrative Staff & Campus Minister
Michelle serves as an ACT Campus Minister at BGSU. Michelle is also an alum of the ACT at UT ministry. In addition to loving and discipling college students she manages the ACT office. In her free time (joke) Michelle also teaches English to BGSU international students and families. She has 4 children, a dog, and a Don.
Contact Michelle: michelle@activechristianstoday.org

Donivan Williams
ACT Campus Minister & Executive Director
Don serves as ACT’s Executive Director as well as an ACT Campus Minister. Don became a Christian through ACT at UT. Don loves to read, to eat hot peppers, and to make people laugh but at the same time is also passionate about helping people discover life in Jesus and then equip them to do the same thing for others!
Contact Don: don@activechristianstoday.org
Glenn Christiansen serves as ACT’s board president. If you need to get in touch with ACT’s governing body you may contact Glenn. If the Email button does not work for you simply message us using the contact box above and we will put you in touch with Glenn.

PO Box 1408 Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 | (419) 405-3222 | admin@activechristianstoday.org