Active Christians Today has been loving University of Toledo and Bowling Green State University students since the 1970’s. ACT’s ongoing mission is to ENCOURAGE, EQUIP, and ENTRUST students to God’s global mission.
What We Do
At both of our UT and BGSU ministry locations ACT hosts weekly small groups, a weekly dinner open to all, a large group Bible study, game nights, road trips, retreats, and so much more! One of the ways students often begin to answer the question, “what has ACT meant to you?” is by saying, “ACT is a family…” At both our UT and BGSU campus ministry locations we have a Campus House that serves as a vehicle of hospitality in reaching out and connecting with students. Our desire in all that we do is to more deeply connect with students so they might more deeply connect with Jesus and discover life in Him.
Our Story
ACT has a wonderful history full of ordinary people doing extraordinary things, all because of Jesus’ handiwork! We believe the Lord is continuing to write new stories in the lives of our students and staff. The Bible has this wonderful passage in 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 “You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.”

3 Ways You Or Your Church Can Partner With ACT!
Call (419) 405-3222 or email admin@activechristianstoday.org

Prayer Partner!
We need Pray’ers! Our Prayer Partners receive a monthly prayer email that highlight personal prayer requests from our staff. We also share specific ministry updates and prayer needs. Click the orange button below to head over to our “BECOME AN ACT PARTNER! page to find out more!

Financial Partners!
We couldn’t do what we do without the faithful support of our financial partners! Over the years ACT has been incredibly blessed by churches, alumni, and friends of the ministry. We are currently looking for a few more partners and you might just be the one! Find out more by clicking the Become An Act Partner below.

Local Partners!
We have a great opportunity and need for local partners. You or your team could prepare or purchase meals for one of our weekly dinners at UT or BG. We also have need for local handy people to help with house various repairs and updates both inside and outside. For our food giveaway nights we need cooks, food prep, and prayer-walkers! Join our Local Partner team!

PO Box 1408 Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 | (419) 405-3222 | admin@activechristianstoday.org